Our Mission

The body WANTS to maintain homeostasis, or the tendency toward a self-regulated stable equilibrium among all physiological processes. To try to balance modern life with the natural tribal-connective life that was lived by humans since our creation is increasingly proving to be a very difficult journey for most to venture on alone…and the point is, that Life was never meant to be ventured on alone. Life is NOT a solo journey, the Internet is NOT a replacement for friends and energy exchange. Health / Fitness / Diet fads are NOT new and only serve to keep you confused and untrusting of your body. And thinking otherwise is a popular unTruth in the form of a PsyOp that has contaminated a lot of minds and sabotaged the Health and Happiness of a lot of lives.

It’s insane to think that we actually sacrifice our health…for the sake of “health.” Let me explain: we allow others — i.e. social media influencers, the rabbit hole of YouTube/Bitchute/etc. videos, the posts/comments of strangers from the dark corners of the Internet — to override what we inherrently know is right and rational, and to use their suggestive frequency to edit our own ideas, our own experiences, our own thoughts, and our own wisdom with THEIR ideas, THEIR experiences, and THEIR “wisdom…” to the point that we refuse our own thoughts to own any space in our own heads, so we can make room to entertain these influencers’ and strangers’ “golden advice.” Al the while, we know in our Hearts that we are undermining ourselves, and we are betraying our body’s wants and ability to just stick to what’s normal, and our body’s desire to not place us in a situation that is outside our element, in terms of “medicine.” We have all become so scared of “western” medicine and our health in general that we search the dark corners of the Internet and its millions of forums only to land on some creepy, random person’s “natural health protocol.” And because we are so determined not to ever seek the advice of an actual medical professional (because yes, honestly, the entire medical system on both the conventional and alternative sides either a.) have no idea wtf they are talking about and b.) are just trying to get you to belive there is something wrong with you so you buy their products, services, and opinion). But these plans that we do so much research using Dr. Google (or whichever search engine you prefer)… are, for the most part, a waste of your time and money. There has not been one method or plan that I have tried (and I’ve tried nearly all of them, thinking that even I had something wrong with me…even if I never had any bloodwork or labwork that proved anything was abnormal with me) that sat right with me. Due to a traumatic head injury from playing NCAA Division I soccer, when I got my nose, cheek, and side of my head mashed when I pursued a lose ball and was met with a punt-to-the-face (my face being mistaken for the ball, as I had already snuck the ball past her into the goal) by the future starting goalie for Team Norway, I was obligated to see what was going on with my brain injury via scans and X-rays, and along that came bloodwork and labwork. When I started approaching my 30s, something happened where I began to just…feel “off” a lot of the time. Aside from getting my head injury, facial injuries, nasal passages, eyes, and heart checked out every few years due to my wide array or sports injuries, I wouldn’t make an appointment with a doctor if you paid me $1million. I was a degreed Naturopathic Doctor, a certified Herbalist, a “Life Coach,” and I had oodles upon oodles of certifications in every facet of Fitness and Nutrition you could imagine, not to mention my other university diplomas which I earned prior to really heading into the Health field, which included Genetic Engineering (Molecular Biology), Foreign Languages, Piano Performance, Military Science, Advanced Mathematics, Religious Studies, and Exercise Science & Kinesiology– which was where I should have ended, as chasing the false paradigm of “Natural Health” quite literally got me nowhere, except a wasted 20 years on chasing an medical paradigm which is just as flawed and decrepit, if not more, as “Western” medicine. I’m now suspicious of the intelligence of anyone who is motivated by the idea that “Natural = Good,” which I now see as a notorious informal logical fallacy. It’s as though people need to search high and lo to try discover the one “natural” remedy to be the cure-all, or the one “natural” problem we are all facing that needs to be dealt with, or the one “natural diet. People believe that we need to go back in time to different epochs to find these “hidden” cures / illness / diets. As though something is inherently unnatural just because it’s been discovered / invented within the past 150-200 years? Since when did we all suddenly become Amish? How about we abandon zippers and refridgeration… and electricity… and running water… and hygiene? You know what? — we should just go back to cauterizing wounds and suffering hideous scars or go through amputation because both stitches and Penicillin are too “western” / mainstream. Shall we allow the town barber to double as the town dentist or “surgeon” as well? 

…I didn’t think so. I’m quite certain that nobody in their right mind would want to be operated on by someone who didn’t receive 14 years of super-sub-specialized instruction at a top-tier university, coupled with apprenticing for years prior to being allowed to operate at an emergency, high-stress situation. Would you want a cardiac surgeon operating on your brain? Would you want a neurosurgeon operating on your heart? How would you like a frickin’ barber operating on your child’s spine after an accident or because of an injury, genetic deformity, or tumor? Or, better yet– just take the poor child to an herbalist or accupuncturist. That’ll heal them. **smh** Must I give more examples as to how ludicrous it is sit on one side of medicine or the other? You see, that’s when I realized that ALL medicine was Pharmakeia. Did you know?– that ANYthing your liver has to process and break down is considered a poison. This includes anything we touch (which the skin absorbs), smells (a lot of frangrances/odors, whether natural or synthetic, stick to your nasal cavity with the help of an oil, and of course, ingest (think about all the junk food, drugs, alcohol, herbs, “natural” supplement, and fitness “gear” (anabolic steroids and  is considered Pharmakeia? The word “pharmacy” originates from this Greek word, “Pharmakeia,” which has its first definition as “witchcraft, socery,” and its second definition as “poison.” You may be thinking pharmacy only pertains to the conventional, modern medicine, or “western medicine,” as it’s so erroneously called now; however, pharmacy is not just an M.D.’s prescription filled by your local Walgreen’s pharmacist. What would a pharmakeia have been referring to in Hellenic Times? …think…think…think… It would have been only natural herbs and natural methods. So, yes… Natural/Alternative Medicine, any and all of it, is ALSO part of the pharmakeia definition, or what is known as the medical cult. The point these sages were trying to pass on through history was that they were OBSESSED with their health. Take Hippocrates and Gaen and so on and so forth– they were obsessed with the humors and finding out the best form or exercise or diet. Did it get them anywhere? Did they eradicate cancer? Nope. Not even remotely. It’s actually the Greeks from whom we get the word “Cancer,” which means crab, because of the way a breast cancer spreads out and uses claws to grab onto more and more healthy tissue as it metatisizes. They realized that health has absolutely nothing to do with anything they could explain, no matter how much they thought about it or studied it or wrote about it. They did come to the conclusion that adding any “medicine” or pharmaceutical poisons to the body would cause more harm than good, and they also left it at: “Let thy food be thy medicine.” But they didn’t mean that we had to all become orthorexic. What they meant was they food, or eating, if not done in a therapeutic way, would cause harm to our bodies and psyches no matter how “healthy” we ate. They also realized that different body types and different ethnicities thrived on different types of foods, even before the whole idea of macros or micros, or especially Genetics was a flash of a thought. In addition to determining characteristics like eye color and appearance and body type, your genes play a role in how your body does things– how it metabolizes nutrients, how it repairs tissues, and a ridiculously ton more. And the instructions aren’t set in stone: Genes can be turned on and off in response to certain stimuli. For example, your body is able to produce certain amino acids, but when you digest protein (which is made up of these same amino acids), a genetic switch gets flipped, which triggers a reaction that stops you from producing more of these amino acids for the time being. These ideas– that person-to-person variations in our genes create differences in how we metabolize foods, in addition to the fact that what we eat impacts how our genes are turned on and off (“expressed” or “muted”)– are what make up our combination of EthnoNutrition (or personalized ancestral nutrition) combined with Nutrigenomics (a field that began in 2001 among the American Dietetic Association, now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). My team and I at AskMarissa work on piecing together the relationship between food and YOUR genes, as well as giving you fitness and lifestyle suggestions that suit your Genome and Ancestral roots.

But it’s not all just about Genetics… there’s something else at play. 

While we aim to offer the best Genetics, Health, Lifestyle, Fitness and Nutritional services, we also whole-heartedly wish to expose the unseen and unspoken reason for unhealthiness of today’s society, and to emphasize to the utmost degree the importance of balance in your life–physically, mentally, and Spiritually.

Our purpose at AskMarissa is to restore humanity’s health by returning to NOW and by honoring the way God designed each individual one of us.  

Our Mission is to convince you to trust YOURSELF again…to reconnect you with your Soul again. We want to help you de-condition you from the blatant attack of mis-information overload that has occurred, due to excessive amounts of boredom and loneliness in one’s life…an attack that leaves one without the willingness to change. Searching relentlessly and chasing the dragon of a magic “cure” has robbed you of your actual Life. It has stripped you of something that has no price or equivalent: real-life human interaction, a sense of real-life community and belonging, and the equal distribution and receiving of Love and Laughter, in conjunction with daily exercise, the joy of eating your favorite foods, stress reduction, sleep hygiene, and finally filling up the rabbit hole that has consumed far too  much of your short life so far. It’s time to get out there, and enjoy what’s left of your life by learning how to be Human again. We’re here to help you if you can’t remember how, or if you need reassurance that there’s nothing to fear except fear itself. Bring the spark back into your life, and also, learn more about yourself to make it more interesting and more easily navigable!

We have become so isolated that we start hyper-focusing on our Bodies. We look for things that might be wrong with us. We look for physical cures both in pharmaceutical drugs and herbal/natural remedies. But the problem cannot be fixed at a medicinal level…because the problem is an intangible wound or a starved Soul, a problem at the Spiritual level that needs to be addressed through some serious self-reflection and lifestyle changes.  

Study after study, particularly “The Roseto Mystery” and “The Blue Zones” have proven that those who give of themselves and eat joyfully in the good company of others is the missing ingredient in our food. It doesn’t matter what kind of food we are eating, so long as we are making it a social occasion filled with love and laughter and conversation. It takes the attention away from our minds, and allows us to decondition our self-objectification, thus helping us to flourish as humane humans, completely OK with our flaws just as much as we are of our talents. We no longer focus on our perceived inadequacies when we find acceptance amongst other Souls in real life. We begin to wake up to a life of peace and health and prosperity, and also realizing that pain and failure are a natural part of living. But when we are surrounded by support and the exchange of energy of those around us, it makes it a lot less of an enigma that needs to be “solved” or eradicated. We need to understand that our Soul is more important than a personality or Ego, and when this happens, the need to prove ourselves worthy or to “one-up” others or deliberately contradict anything vanishes. At this point, we have healed the wound of having abandoned our Soul, and we are released into better days, knowing exactly what we need to do in order to thrive. 

So, having said that, I’m going to be very, very clear with you about The Mission that is AskMarissa.

We are here to say this:

Your body is NOT broken. Your HABITS are. Your mind is broken. In actuality, you have adopted and cultivated a shit mentality. You are completely depriving yourself of all the things you were meant to experience, and you are pumping yourself up with all the things that aren’t meant for a nourished body and Soul. You see, you aren’t seeing yourself as a Body and a Soul in One. You’re not acting as a team. You’re starving your Soul of what it needs, and listening to every slimy influencer tell you how to live your life. 

The one thing you aren’t doing is the very thing that’s making you sick. You have gotten into the habit of wrong-thinking, that OUTSIDE toxins somehow made their ways into the body and have no way to get out, lest you detox or purge them out. But what you don’t know is that, the Body is an absolute unit of perfection when it comes to automatically detoxing anything that isn’t supposed to be there. What do you think all our organs are there for? Every system in our body has basically one task in the factory, the factory that is our complete organism. That task is to identify anything that comes into our bodies, take what is necessary if that applies (e.g. nutrients), and to excrete anything that is either unnecessary or harmful (e.g. indigestible matter, metabolic waste, nitrogenous waste, cell debris, microorganisms, excess water, etc.) as feces, urine, sweat, and Carbon Dioxide. It does this in perfect order, every time, and we don’t even know, nor appreciate it. Instead, we hurt ourselves by doing crazy diets, taking unregulated supplements, ingesting herbs without discretion because they’re “natural,” by restricting our lives to basically revolve around this ritualistic, cult-like behavior. Trust me…I’ve been there…and it definitely is a cult. The same people that tell you that “Western Medicine” or “Rockafeller Medicine” is a cult, are nothing more than cults themselves. I don’t need to name them…but I’m sure all you have to do is look at your YouTube/BitChute subscriptions, Facebook and Telegram groups, and who you follow on Instagram to maybe understand what I am trying to get you to admit. And they all have the same motto: That if someone doesn’t think like they do and believe the same things they do and do the same things they do, then that person is an enemy and part of the problem and needs to be “saved,” otherwise they are either ostracized or mocked, or both.  

idea of detox does not apply to you, nor any life on earth. That’s an “alternative
medicine” scheme, that is, the idea that we’re at constant war with ourselves and the world
around us, and we need to be on the guard and high alert for everything come into our bodies and the most infinitessimal nuances going on inside our bodies. There are a few known toxins, such as straight-up poisons, as well
as drugs and alcohol, but the idea that any part of ourselves is toxic or
problematic, or that it has been invaded or indundated by all these toxic elements
or external invaders should not fall within the purview of a knowledgable,
rational, intelligent individual. We have all gone back to the Dark Ages, where
the thought was that our bodies had to continually be purged, and butchers/barbers
were the town surgeons. When you begin to make it a point to actually study
biology, physiology and anatomy, and you finally begin to understand how the
body works and that it is a magnificently perfect machine, you will finally
stop listening to every crack-pot influencer or stranger on a forum who thinks
we should return, or regress rather, to the horror show that was pharmakeia of
the long-gone past. The problem is, that it’s too much work to actually go to the
library and study some textbooks anymore that show you how the body works. It’s
boring af, it really truly is for the average person. It’s so much easier to
just take the completely irresponsible advice of strangers on the internet on
Reddit or Telegram or Quora or Youtube or in comment sections or wherever, and to
start following any advice that comes from the opposite side of the “western”
medical spectrum. To go with anything that goes against the status quo is a
very dangerous new mode of action that has very dangerous parameters when it
starts to encroach the boundaries of Health. Common sense suggest that Nature
would NOT discard what is valuable for the organism, and would absolutely
discard what is detrimental to the organism’s well-being. This is how the
physical body works. Now, the mind is totally different, and when we cannot differentiate
between what thoughts and emotions are valuable or detrimental and discard the
latter, dis-ease can manifest…specifically cancer.


One of our purposes here is to give you the reassurance and confidence to know and understand that, unless you are addicted to one or more psychoactive drug because you are addicted to escaping this life into altered states of consciousness -or- you legitimately have been acutely or chronically poisoned by a chemical exposure via an illegal waste dumping site or an environmental hazard (e.g. asbestos), then the only toxins you need to worry about? Emotions and isolation are the true toxins, with Ego at its head. Believing that we can just take pills or supplements and that we can live in “solitude” and this will solve all our problems is the problem. We don’t make ourselves available to others in real life anymore, and in return, we have no one to reach out for help when we are in need. 

Listen, I once believed that I could solve every health problem and crack the code for peace and harmony by digging deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole that is YouTube and BitChute and every social media platform and forum around. But that’s the biggest prank on us that there is! Do you really, truly, honestly believe that someone has it all figured out? And that you are going to stumble upon said person’s video or blog or posts or comments and just understand the why’s and how’s of this “matrix” one night at 3AM while isolating yourself on your couch, sucking your screen? Hey, all of us wannabe saviors and warriors looking for the REAL truth have as many tabs open as there are flavors of jellybeans. And have any of them gotten us anywhere to a better place physically, mentally, AND spiritually? Have we cracked the secret code? Or, have we wasted time on someone else’s rebellious ramblings or fringe ideas, only to move onto the NEXT Internet Stranger’s rebellious ramblings or fringe ideas on health and the state of the world and esotericism and this and that? Most likely, it’s the latter. 

For as many tabs we have open, and for as many minutes as we have wasted looking for THE TRUTH in someone ELSE’s life, we could have been out and about in the world, discovering our OWN TRUTH that is appropriate for OURSELVES, that pertains specifically to OUR MISSION. And that Truth, even though it comes with a different emblem or design or color on it, is one-size-fits-all–and that’s because, just like every other Creature on the face of this Earth, God coded us with species-specific instruction that would provide for the automatic performance of a certain task—a task that is absolutely essential for the well-being and Future of our species, both collectively and individually. But this was overridden with the advent of the Internet. We went from thriving on Human interconnectedness and physical interaction, to hiding our true identities behind screens, and with nothing prepared to give to the world if it meant leaving that screen and identity behind. We spend so much time focused on ourselves, and in trying to impress Internet strangers, and looking for inspiration from said strangers, that we have no actual Essence of Being in God’s physical world. We are no longer arranged according to God’s plan; we have aberrated and are on a never-ending detour that leads to absolutely NOWEHERE, and we are afraid to exit—i.e. close the tabs and stop looking at the screen, and go outside or just BE with ourselves or our Families, without any interference from the foreign, malevolent frequency that is the Internet community. 

We don’t consciously program our own lives anymore; we have been subconsciously RE-programmed to be influenced, or more so deceived, by what someone else / other people are doing with THEIR lives instead of worrying about what you are doing with your OWN life. Why should we care what so many people we will never meet are doing? What does this say about our own lives? You should be looking at the direction and the quality of your life, or most likely, the lack thereof. It’s more truth than cliche to say that “Life is short.” Yes, Life is indeed TOO short… and even more than that, it’s PRECIOUS. It’s too precious to be wasting time on social media and digging rabbit hole on YouTube, and getting hopelessly tangled in the Web of inertness that is the Internet. 

Start believing that YOUR Body …yes, YOUR Body… is a MASTERPIECE of cosmic proportions. Leave it alone, and let it do its thing! What you need is to change your habits and spend  more time with other SOULS. See your phone and the Internet “community” for what it is: an addiction that severs you from your Self, and leaves you prey to the arena of influencers masquerading as health “saviors” selling nothing short of snake oil and non-professional medical “advice.”

So please, go LIVE your life to the fullest, and realize that living life to the fullest does NOT include social media and smart phones. Your health is in big trouble because you’re ignoring a big part of WHO YOU ARE: A Human Being that has been re-programmed by technology. They’re called “Cellular Phones,” and “Cell Towers” for a reason: because they are a frequency that is meant to target and “excite” anything at a cellular level, and that 100% includes our body’s cells. Your cell phone has re-programmed your brain cells. You now have an unprecedented level of Dopamine being activated by the feedback, notifications, and contextual changes experienced by participating on the Internet, when your original, perfect design NEEDS you to DE-PROGRAM and go back to default, where your Dopamine is activated at an appropriate level through experiencing life’s pleasures…by actually participating IN REAL LIFE.

Just imagine if tomorrow you woke up, and suddenly, the only things you had around you were the things you thanked God for the day before. How much would you have left? 

It is our Mission to remind you how to trust your body again and to live the Life that God intended for you– the life where you stop being so busy trying to be or be like somebody that you’re not. We can help you become your strongest and most confident self. 

Know Thyself and Trust God. 

Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. Direct Translation: But first and most importantly seek, aim at strive after God’s Kingdom (which is within you), and His righteousness, His way of doing, and being right the attitude and character of God… and all these things will be given to you also. To put this in perspective, we’re being told to choose to know ourselves and do be mindful of choosing Good, in a world that is rejecting both our own sense of True Self, as well as Him. We need to learn the Blueprint that God gave us, and every ancestor that went into making us Who We Are, while also being called to live a righteous life in a hostile world, and a REAL life in a world that wants you to live a virtual, vicarious life devoid of human touch and true empathy on the Internet– a dark place that replaces your own sense of Self and identity with the identity and beliefs of those you superficially interact with.

It’s very interesting that Genetics and Genes are so similar to the word Genesis. Genesis is the Greek word for “Origin,” or “coming into Being of Something.” This is from where we have Genetikos, meaning the same. If we want to know ourselves and our beginnings, we need to not only look unto our Genetics, but also into Genesis and other Holy Scriptures, such as the Rig Veda and the Vedic Books. You’d be surprised to know the similarities between these two cultures, not just “religious-wise” but also genome-wise. 😉 

Follow us, and find out more!