Our Mission
The body wants to maintain homeostasis, or the tendency toward a self-regulated stable equilibrium among all physiological processes. To try to balance modern life with the natural tribal- or community-connected life that was lived by humans since our creation is increasingly proving to be a very difficult journey for most. Life was never meant to be ventured on alone.
Life is not a solo journey. The Internet and “frenz” are not a replacement for real-life friends and real-life energy exchange. Health / Fitness / Diet trends are not new and only serve to keep you confused and untrusting of your body.
Let’s delve into the popular unTruths in the form of PsyOps that have infected a lot of minds and sabotaged the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health and Happiness of far too many lives… and the numbers go up just as the clock ticks away…
It’s insane to think that we actually sacrifice our Health…for the sake of “Health.” Let me explain: we allow others — i.e. social media influencers, the rabbit hole of YouTube/Bitchute/etc. videos, the posts/comments of strangers from the dark corners of the Internet – to override what we inherently know is right and rational, and we enable them to use their suggestive frequency to edit our own ideas, our own experiences, our own thoughts, and our own wisdom with THEIR ideas, THEIR experiences, and THEIR “wisdom.” We refuse our own thoughts to own any space in our own heads, while we make room to entertain these influencers’ and strangers’ “golden advice.” All the while, we should know in our Hearts that we are undermining ourselves, and we are betraying our body’s wants and ability to just stick to what’s normal, and our body’s desire to not place us in a situation that is outside our element, in terms of “medicine.”
We have all become so scared of “Western” medicine and our own Health in general that we search these dark alleys of the Internet and its millions of forums only to land on some creepy, random person’s “natural health protocol.” And we become determined not to ever seek the advice of an actual medical professional. But this (dis)information that we invested belief and trust to, that is to say our star employee, Dr. Google (or whichever search engine you prefer), is, for the most part, a waste of your time, a waste of your money, and increasingly more often, a waste of your LIFE.
There has not been one method or plan that I have tried (and I’ve tried nearly all of them… getting sicker and sicker the more rabbit holes I got lodged in, telling me I had everything wrong with me…even if I never had any bloodwork or lab work that proved anything was abnormal with me) that sat right with me. Even if at the beginning I had that little surge of excitement, optimism, lightness, and fresh-startness due to the placebo bliss of a hopeful, new regime, I was always, always worse off in the end-run, and then having to figure out a way to get over the new myriad of Health consequences, thanks to some weird herbal or folk protocol I was “so privy” (err, gullible enough) to try on top of my original problems.
Alas, I was too “Enlightened” to go to a real M.D. to find out if a.) there was anything actually wrong with me, -or- b.) if it was psychosomatic {addict, insane (lol, sorry… I’m a 90’s kid)}, meaning that I “caught” something off my daily diet of thousands upon thousands of “Natural Health” blogs, comments, forums, or videos I had consumed and digested, unspoken-of form of masochism that needed to be banished, -or- c.) maybe something Genetic flipped a switch and/or I should really get some medical panels run to pinpoint any fixable problems (instead of stubbornly doing blind guesswork + trial and error with the ridiculous information I scavenged off the Internet).
[Quick Backstory That Explains My Journey: I suffered a traumatic head injury from playing NCAA Division I soccer in which I got my nose, cheek, and side of my head mashed when I pursued a loose ball and was met with a punt-to-the-face (my face being mistaken for the ball, as I had already snuck the ball past her into the goal) by the future starting brute-of-a-goalie for Team Norway. Consequently, I was obligated to see what was going on with my brain injury via scans and X-rays, and along with that came bloodwork and lab work. I kept on top of that until I was like, 23. As it had been 5 years since the incident, I naïvely felt I could manage it and feel it out on my own for the rest of my life, especially if I became “my own doctor” and got certified in as much Holistic Health-related specialties as humanly possible. ‘Ha!,’ I said, ‘Take THAT, “Western” Medicine!’]
Years went by where I just continued my happy, care-free, adventurous life as a little ball of high energy. Then I started approaching my 30s and something happened where I began to just…feel “off” a lot of the time. Even though I mentioned my traumatic head injury which came with facial fractures and splinters, an atrocious deviated septum, eye damage, all combined with a congenital heart problem, I REFUSED to make an appointment with an M.D. … an actual doctor. You couldn’t pay me $1million.
You see, I was a NATUROPATH. I only believed in ALTERNATIVE methods and HERBS and “NATURAL” remedies. I had recently abandoned a former double career as the owner of a prestigious Classical Piano/Voice school and a Fitness/Sports/Nutrition trainer to become a Naturopathic Doctor, a certified Herbalist, a “Life Coach,” and I had oodles upon oodles of certifications in every facet of Alternative “Medicine” you could imagine.
Despite how hard I worked for them and how proud my Family was of me, by 2010, I would’ve rather wiped my ass with my mainstream “useless papers of indoctrination and Saturnian worship,” that is to say, my multiple diplomas from the University of Delaware, the University of South Florida, LaSalle University, and Princeton University, which I had earned prior to having my precious mind hijacked by the parasite that is pseudoscience + the degenerative and regressive ideas of Internet-based “Conspiracy Medicine” + the zeitgeist of anti-religion and Christ-was-made-up conspiracies + the demonic forces of the World Wide Web in general. These degrees of I mention of dedicated higher learning included Genetic Engineering (B.Sc.), Mathematics (B.A.), World Languages & Literature (B.A.), Piano Performance (Minor), Military Science (Minor), Religious Studies & Ethics (M.A.), Interdisciplinary Religious Studies (Ph.D), and Exercise Science & Kinesiology (M.S.)– which is the subject I should have ended in terms of my pursuance of Health-related studies.
As far back as 2003, as a 20-year-old just graduating with my first Bachelor’s in Mathematics, I had begun chasing the false paradigm of “Natural Health” and Herbal “Medicine.” I kind of literally went quasi-schizoid, as my roommates walked in on me going through our pantry, my beauty supplies/toiletries, and all cleaning supplies with a big-black trash bag, frantically reading every ingredient and doing what my new Internet obsession (/demon) told me to do: to throw it out if I find anything unpronounceable or derived from a “chemical” (even though with a Science background I knew how ignorant that notion was, being that everything on Earth is made of chemicals, and that many chemicals in our bodies are technically unpronounceable…so should we get rid of ourselves too?). I spent all my extra cash on herbal supplements, refused myself any OTC pain relievers despite my traumatic head injury only 2 years prior and a bunch of other Sports-related injuries, I only ate organic whole food (which wasn’t a lot, since I was on a college student budget…and oh, yeah—I was spending any extra money on herbal supplements and “natural” medicine), and I even ditched my efforts as a Olympic alternate Heptathlete in the 2004 Athens games to focus on my new “passion” (more like mind infection) of an unhealthy obsession with natural health (aka OCD + Orthorexia + Paranoia + Hypochondria + Adhering to anything that went against the status quo). Even though it still couldn’t replace my love of academia and the diverse path of studies I was excited to wake up for every day, it consumed every other aspect of my life. This lasted 20 years– chasing a medical paradigm which is just as flawed and decrepit, if not more, as “Big Pharma.”
So, after over 20 years of believing that Alternative Medicine is better than Western Medicine, and having wasted a good 14-15 years of my professional career under this Spell and finally breaking free, I am now suspicious of the intelligence and Spiritual health of anyone who is motivated by the idea that “Natural = Good,” which I now see as a notorious illogical fallacy. It’s as though half the population has adopted delusions of grandeur to put it upon themselves the position of searching high and low to try discover the one “natural” remedy to be the cure-all, or the one illness we are all facing that needs to be dealt with naturally, or the one “natural diet. People believe that we need to go back in time to different epochs to find these “hidden” cures / illnesses / diets. As though something is inherently unnatural just because it’s been discovered / invented within the past 150-200 years?
Having finally escaped the isolating prison that was, I decided to make it my mission to:
- Bring People Back to REAL LIFE.
- Teach You To Protect your Liver – The reason you LIVE.
- Remind you of God’s Perfect, unique Design for you—and to teach you how to use it to your health advantage
- Re-Connect You with the only Ancient Knowledge you should be concerned about—that of WHO YOU ARE, that is to say—YOUR ANCESTRY.
By the way, who are your ancestors? What did they eat? How does this apply to you? What does your Genetic composition say about how YOU could optimize your life?
In addition to determining characteristics like eye color and appearance and body type, your genes play a role in how your body does things– how it metabolizes nutrients, how it repairs tissues, and a ridiculously ton more. And the instructions aren’t set in stone: Genes can be turned on and off in response to certain stimuli. For example, your body is able to produce certain amino acids, but when you digest protein (which is made up of these same amino acids), a genetic switch gets flipped, which triggers a reaction that stops you from producing more of these amino acids for the time being. These ideas– that person-to-person variations in our genes create differences in how we metabolize foods, in addition to the fact that what we eat impacts how our genes are turned on and off (“expressed” or “muted”)– are what make up our combination of EthnoNutrition (or personalized ancestral nutrition) combined with Nutrigenomics (a field that began in 2001 among the American Dietetic Association, now the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). We at AskMarissa.com work on piecing together the relationship between food and your specific genes, as well as giving you fitness and lifestyle suggestions that suit your Genome and Ancestral roots.
But, while I’d like to think it’s as easy as just claiming it’s simply all about Genetics… it’s not truly all about Genetics. There’s something else at play.
While we aim to offer the best Genetics, Health, Lifestyle, Fitness and Nutritional services, we also whole-heartedly wish to expose the unseen and unspoken reason for unhealthiness of today’s society, and to emphasize to the utmost degree the importance of balance in your life–physically, mentally, and Spiritually.
One of our main focuses at AskMarissa.com is to restore humanity’s health by returning to NOW. One way to do this is by putting in the effort to learn and honor the way God designed each individual one of us, and to realize that, YES… EACH OF US IS REALLY UNIQUE AND SPECIAL.
Our Mission is to convince you to trust YOURSELF again…to reconnect you with your Soul again. We want to help you de-condition you from the blatant attack of mis-information overload that has occurred, due to excessive amounts of boredom and loneliness in one’s life…an attack that leaves one without the willingness to change. Searching relentlessly and chasing the dragon of a magic “cure” has robbed you of your actual Life. It has stripped you of something that has no price or equivalent: real-life human interaction, a sense of real-life community and belonging, and the equal distribution and receiving of Love and Laughter, in conjunction with daily exercise, the joy of eating your favorite foods, stress reduction, sleep hygiene, and finally filling up the rabbit hole that has consumed far too much of your short life so far. It’s time to get out there, and enjoy what’s left of your life by learning how to be Human again. We’re here to help you if you can’t remember how, or if you need reassurance that there’s nothing to fear except fear itself. Bring the spark back into your life, and also, learn more about yourself to make it more interesting and more easily navigable!
We have become so isolated that we start hyper-focusing on our Bodies. We look for things that might be wrong with us. We look for physical cures both in pharmaceutical drugs and “natural” pharmaceutical herbs and supplements. But the problem cannot be fixed at a medicinal level…because the problem is an intangible wound or a starved Soul, a problem at the Spiritual level that needs to be addressed through some serious self-reflection and lifestyle changes.
Study after study, particularly “The Roseto Mystery” and “The Blue Zones” has proven that those who give of themselves and eat joyfully in the good company of others is one of the missing ingredients in our food. While it’s important to eliminate as much artificial and isolated foodstuffs and supplements as possible, that’s not even half the equation. By exchanging our energies in the form of shared meals, shared laughter, and shared conversation, it takes the attention away from our busy, wandering monkey-minds, and allows us to decondition our self-objectification, thus helping us to flourish as humane humans, completely OK with our flaws just as much as we are of our talents. When enjoying life and food in the good company of others, we no longer focus on our perceived inadequacies since we are finding acceptance amongst other Souls in real life. We begin to wake up to a life of peace and health and prosperity, and also realizing that pain and failure are a natural part of living. But when we are surrounded by support and the exchange of energy of those around us, it makes it a lot less of an enigma that needs to be “solved” or eradicated. We need to understand that our Soul is more important than a personality or Ego, and when this happens, the need to prove ourselves worthy or to “one-up” others or deliberately contradict anything vanishes. At this point, we have healed the wound of having abandoned our Soul, and we are released into better days, knowing exactly what we need to do in order to thrive.
Having said that, I’m going to be very, very clear with you about The Mission that is AskMarissa. We are here to say this about any Health complications or concerns you may have:
Your body is NOT broken. Your habits are. Your mind is broken. In actuality, you have adopted and cultivated a shit mentality. You are completely depriving yourself of all the things you were meant to experience, and you are pumping yourself up with all the things that aren’t meant for a nourished body and Soul. You see, you aren’t seeing yourself as a Body and a Soul in One. You’re not acting as a team. You’re starving your Soul of what it needs, and listening to every slimy influencer tell you how to live your life.
The one thing you aren’t doing is the very thing that’s making you sick. You have gotten into the habit of wrong-thinking, that outside toxins are constantly making their ways inside the body and have no way to get out, lest you detox or purge them out. But what you don’t care to realize is that the Body is an absolute unit of cosmic perfection when it comes to automatically detoxing anything that isn’t supposed to be there with its own triple-phased detoxification processes. What do you think all our organs are there for? Every system in our body has basically one task in the factory, the factory that is our complete organism. That task is to identify anything that comes into our bodies, sift through it to take what is essential (e.g. nutrients), and to excrete or force out anything that is either unnecessary or harmful (e.g. indigestible matter, metabolic waste, nitrogenous waste, cell debris, heavy metals, parasites, bacteria and other microorganisms, foreign hormones, excess water, etc.) as feces, urine, sweat, Carbon Dioxide, or literally any which way it can. It does this in perfect order, every time, and we don’t even know, nor appreciate it.
Instead, we hurt ourselves by doing crazy fad diets, taking unregulated supplements, ingesting herbs without discretion because they’re “natural,” by restricting our lives to basically revolve around this ritualistic, cult-like behavior. Trust me…I’ve been there…and it definitely is a cult. The same people that tell you that “Western Medicine” or “Rockafeller Medicine” is a cult, are nothing more than cults themselves. I don’t need to name them…but I’m sure all you have to do is look at your YouTube/BitChute subscriptions, Facebook and Telegram groups, and who you follow on Instagram to maybe understand what I am trying to get you to admit. And they all have the same motto: That if someone doesn’t think like they do and believe the same things they do and do the same things they do, then that person is an enemy and part of the problem and needs to be “saved,” otherwise they are either ostracized or mocked, or both.
The idea of “doing a detox” applies neither to you, nor any life on Earth. That’s an “alternative medicine” scheme which propagates the false notion that we’re at constant war with ourselves and the world around us, and that we need to be on the guard and high alert for everything that comes into our bodies… even the most infinitesimal nuances going on inside our bodies. There are a few known toxins, such as straight-up poisons, as well as drugs and alcohol, but the idea that any part of ourselves is toxic or problematic, or that it has been invaded or inundated by all these toxic elements or external invaders should not fall within the purview of a knowledgeable, rational, intelligent individual such as yourself. We have all been tricked into going back to the Dark Ages, where the thought was that our bodies had to continually be purged, when butchers/barbers were the town surgeons, and chainsaws were used routinely to mechanically crank a serrated gear sideways through a woman’s pelvic bones and pubic cartilage so to widen the birth canal during labor.
You see, when you begin to make it a point to actually go back to review basic Human Biology and Physiology & Anatomy, you finally begin to understand how the body works and that it is a magnificently perfect machine. And if you couple that pursuit with a little bit of medical history, you will see that medical quackery and snake-like salesmen are older than the Bible. If more people comitted to this endeavor, there wouldn’t be a problem with confusion around health and scams, as they would would be too well-informed and even disgusted by every crack-pot influencer or stranger on a forum who thinks that we should return, or regress rather, to the horror show that was the Pharmakeia of the long-gone past. The problem is, that it’s too much work to actually go to the library and study some textbooks that show you how the body …and history… work.
It’s so much easier for the average person to just take the completely irresponsible advice of strangers on the Internet on Reddit or Telegram or Quora or YouTube or lurk in comment sections wherever, and to start following any advice that comes from the opposite side of the “Western” medical spectrum. To go with anything that goes against the status quo is a. very dangerous new mode of action that has very dangerous parameters when it starts to encroach the boundaries of Health.
Believing that we can just take pills or supplements and that we can live in “solitude” and this will solve all our problems is the problem. We don’t make ourselves available to others in real life anymore, and in return, we have no one to reach out to for help when we are in need.
It is our Mission to remind you how to trust your Body again and to live the Life that God intended for you– the life where you stop being so busy trying to be somebody that you’re not, and to stop being a hypochondriac and paranoid of anything mainstream.
You don’t have to worry about Covid. You don’t have to worry about “worms.” You don’t have to worry nanobots. You don’t have to worry about toxins. You don’t even have to worry about heavy metals.
What you should be worrying about is how much time has been stolen from your life worrying about these toxic, trending phobias. Being afraid of these things is as laughably absurd as the spoilt-rotten, fake-cripple brat-boy in “The Secret Garden” who was so petrified of “spores” that he had never even ventured outside, and listened to everyone else so was content to confine himself to his bed for the rest of his life, however long that was.
[Spoiler Alert: Turns out, he had been brainwashed and deceived by his parents into being a sickly, spoilt-rotten little runt, and that “spores” were just the invisible boogeyman to get him to be afraid to go outside and truly LIVE the life of a normal little boy.]
So. Do you See what happens when you are fear-mongered and you start listening to everybody but yourself?
You become a drifter. You drift further and further away from Who You Are, and Who You Were Meant To Be… As well as God. Discovering our true ancestry is what we are meant to do, that we are actually born to do this. That discovering who we are isn’t just about discovering our what we are good at, but also about unearthing WHO our ancestors were so to better unearth who made it possible for us to be here in the Now. We carry the DNA from every ancestor, regardless of distance and time. Sometimes their imprint is conscious, many times unconscious. What matters is that they are with us, and we are made of their DNA intertwined with ours. Our ancestors are the Who that make us Who we are. Our Raw DNA Data writes out our encrypted Book of Remembrance, and we are lucky enough to live in a time where there are translators who can decide each individual’s special Book.
We need to learn the Blueprint that God gave us, and every ancestor that went into making us Who We Are, while also being called to live a righteous life in a hostile world, and a REAL life in a world that wants you to live a virtual, vicarious life devoid of human touch and true empathy on the Internet– a dark place that replaces your own sense of Self and identity with the identity and beliefs of those you superficially interact with.
That’s right– the “Western” drug manufacturers. When you develop hepatic-related (liver) and gastrointestinal issues such as gut permeability and malabsorption from the unregulated herbs laced and cut with God only knows what, who do you have no choice but to make an appointment with? It will be your local “Western” doc who will be running the blood tests and evaluating liver enzymes to finally make you understand that those herbs and supplements you took to “detox your liver” were, ironically, adding more toxicity to your liver.
Health isn’t found in herbs and supplements; it’s created by real food, proper exercise, healthy habits, a positive mentality, and participating in real life activities by making real life memories with real life people…in real life. There is no magic pill or supplement or diet for health and healing. If you want to live a naturally healthy life, you must avoid or even eliminate anything that could potentially slow down your body’s natural processes and destroy your intestinal flora. Avoid any isolated herbs, supplements, or proteins like the plague, and be extremely leery about any prolonged fasting measures. These all cause even more imbalance in the body, thus causing disruptions in your Health.
God left you tantalizing clues as to how to live your healthiest life, and now it’s time to unravel the mystery and put together a plan!
The only problem is you can’t improve you life, much less heal from any conditions while simultaneously entertaining addictions (screen, substance, etc.), phobias, fear-mongering, programming, lack of confidence, negativity, doubt, laziness, procrastination, excuses, excuses, and more excuses.
The key to betterment relies on your choice to turn off your brain for a minute, and listen to your gut. No matter what health challenges you’re dealing with, the food God specifically designed you for can change EVERYTHING for you! Whilst we do indeed all have the same diet, with all the mixing and matching we humans have gone through throughout the ages, we have become the only species on Earth that does NOT have one-size-fits-all nutritional needs.
We’ve relied entirely on other people’s ideology of what humans need in order to be healthy, and quite honestly, it’s completely failed us. Just imagine how much power you can gain by finding out Who You Are through the sum of your Ancestors and Genes, and combining that with the lifestyle God designed specifically for your unique self! Your DNA raw data contains the real information needed to discover the answers to the questions you have about Health.
Follow us, and find out how YOU can be the healer you’ve been praying for!