Sports, Fitness, and Body Type Dx Via Genetic Analysis

Do you ever wish that you could send a little elf into your body to see what’s really going on, and if maybe there is a more efficient way to work out for your unique body? Well, I’m no elf, but I can read your DNA raw data and tell you which exercises, sports, and activities would be most appropriate for you and benefit you the most. I can even tell you why you get hurt or sore doing certain exercises or moves that seemingly don’t seem to have the same impact on others (e.g. knee injuries, rhabdomyalosis, lactic acid build-up, repetitive muscle strains, etc.). 

Experts from the Cambridge Centre for Sport & Exercise Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in England found that up to 72% of the difference between people in performance outcome following a specific exercise is due to genetic differences. That goes to say that just barely over one-quarter of our fitness results and sports endeavors have anything to do with our determination, proper training, technique, or consistency. That’s not a lot of room to use guesswork on what we should be doing, and we certainly shouldn’t be wasting our time and effort allowing some fitness influencer on YouTube to tell us that what works for them will work for us. How have you responded to the fitness routines you have implemented in your life thus far?

Our genes impact all areas of fitness and performance, including muscles, strength, and recovery. From sprinters who have the ACTN3 “speed gene” which causes them to develop more fast-twitch muscle fiber and help them fire more quickly, to ultrarunners with genetic mutations that flush lactic acid from the body in lightning speed… from people who can simply look at a weight and make muscle gains and metabolize fat, to those whose ancestors endured famine-tauma and now deal with bodies that refuse to build muscle or shed belly fat without taking certain steps … our genes play an essential role in determining individual fitness levels and exercise/sports abilities. They also determine other physical attributes, such as your body size and type, which CANNOT be changed– only embraced and worked with.

Find out which genes you have that play a major role in your muscular strength, speed, endurance, weight management, fat distribution, recovery, gains, and general fitness!
