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UNDENIABLE TRUTH: Coronavirus Will Affect Less People Than Cancer

Coronavirus, Health , Holistic , Fitness , Nutrition , Well-being , Men's Health , Women's Health , Vasectomy , Circumcision , Genital Mutilation , Cancer , Natural , Treatment , Help , Green , Brain , Sex , Sexual , Tonsils , Sperm , Exercise , Rheumatoid , Arthritis , God , Tree , Genetic , DNA , Microchimerism , Fat loss , Food , Organic , Weights , Exercise , AskMarissa , Disease , Chem-trails , Morgellons , Medical Cult , Lyme Disease , Coronavirus , 5g , Huawei , Wuhan , Radiation , Symptoms , Italy , China , Pangolins

All you see in the news outlets is Coronavirus, Coronavirus, and more Coronavirus. While this is going on, do yourself and your state of Health a YUGE favor:


Or, at least just switch the channel. You, who are subscribing to a Holistic Health website, are already obviously an intelligent individual who has the ability to think outside the box. More so, you obviously have the ability to think for yourself. The word “Holistic” in “Holistic Health” shouldn’t even have to precede it. It should be a given that Health is already Holistic.

When you are continuously bombarded by images of Chinese citizens with biohazard suits and masks over their faces, and getting new updates about the statistics of the Coronavirus (which should not be trusted one way or another, being that China is a state with a very well known record of controlling their population with fear, famine, infanticide, social immobility, war, and of course epidemics, among many other things), your mind is already preparing your body to be unhealthy.

What I am trying to say here is that just as you can use your thoughts to change your cellular structure and literally think yourself into a healthy state—you can also, sadly, do the exact opposite. We are constantly attacked by thoughts that aren’t even our own. There was a study that came out years ago that the average human has 70,000 thoughts running through their minds per day. I wonder how many of those thoughts are actually our own?

Meaning, how many of those thoughts originated in our own minds, and how many of those thoughts were infiltrators from outside sources—both consciously and unconsciously (subliminally)? I would bet that the balance for the majority of people is quite disproportionate…in the wrong direction that leans towards outside sources. The best way to protect yourself from any disease is surely going to be by controlling which thoughts you allow space inside your mind, and how quickly you evict negative thoughts, especially infiltrators from low frequency sources such as television, media, and unpleasant people by whom you constantly feel drained and depleted.

The next step you can take is to make sure that you are making healthful meal options and being active, and most importantly, never skipping a dose of four very important nutrients. The four main nutrients that are must-haves in order to help stave off any cold or flu, including Coronavirus, are:

Health , Holistic , Fitness , Nutrition , Well-being , Men's Health , Women's Health , Vasectomy , Circumcision , Genital Mutilation , Cancer , Natural , Treatment , Help , Green , Brain , Sex , Sexual , Tonsils , Sperm , Exercise , Rheumatoid , Arthritis , God , Tree , Genetic , DNA , Microchimerism , Fat loss , Food , Organic , Weights , Exercise , AskMarissa , Disease , Chem-trails , Morgellons , Medical Cult , Lyme Disease , Coronavirus , 5g , Huawei , Wuhan , Radiation , Symptoms , Italy , China , Pangolins
Vitamin C can be found in all citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, papaya. Orange or pineapple juice are easy ways to get your kids to increase vitamin C levels. You should also double up with a daily supplement.
  1. Vitamin C: Be sure to take in no less than 2,000mg of this important vitamin per day during any cold/flu season. Up the dosage to 3,000 to 4,000mg daily if you think you may have been exposed. Be sure to drink plenty of fresh, unfluoridated, unchlorinated water, as Vitamin C can be harsh on the kidneys.

    Health , Holistic , Fitness , Nutrition , Well-being , Men's Health , Women's Health , Vasectomy , Circumcision , Genital Mutilation , Cancer , Natural , Treatment , Help , Green , Brain , Sex , Sexual , Tonsils , Sperm , Exercise , Rheumatoid , Arthritis , God , Tree , Genetic , DNA , Microchimerism , Fat loss , Food , Organic , Weights , Exercise , AskMarissa , Disease , Chem-trails , Morgellons , Medical Cult , Lyme Disease , Coronavirus , 5g , Huawei , Wuhan , Radiation , Symptoms , Italy , China , Pangolins

  2. Vitamin D3: This is actually Sunshine! While not technically a Vitamin, it’s much easier to remember this as “Vitamin D3” than it would be to remember it as the hormone it is by the name of “Cholecalciferol.” It’s a fat-soluble secosteroid that is absolutely essential for the proper absorption of Calcium, Phosphate, and a very little-thought-of, albeit super-duper important Mineral called Magnesium (which we’ll talk about further down this list). Vitamin D3 is extremely difficult, although not completely impossible, to obtain through diet. One can absorb trivial amounts through fortified products such as milk or cereals, and it can be found in mushrooms exposed to Sunlight, certain fatty fish (e.g. Macral, Salmon, Herring), and supplements. I must be adamant in the fact that these are poorly absorbed and are in no way any substitute for direct Sunlight on your skin. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to receive an adequate amount of Sun exposure, even in the Winter months! As soon as you see the Sun out there shining, GO OUTSIDE—go for a walk, a hike, or simply just stand there with the Sun on your face. I know it’s increasingly difficult, being that some places receive such little Sunshine in the Winter months, and combine that with the Chem-Trails that criss-cross our beautiful skies and block out the Sun…but just do your Best! Make your best effort to accept any opportunity to receive unfiltered Sun exposure as many times per week as you can!

    Health , Holistic , Fitness , Nutrition , Well-being , Men's Health , Women's Health , Vasectomy , Circumcision , Genital Mutilation , Cancer , Natural , Treatment , Help , Green , Brain , Sex , Sexual , Tonsils , Sperm , Exercise , Rheumatoid , Arthritis , God , Tree , Genetic , DNA , Microchimerism , Fat loss , Food , Organic , Weights , Exercise , AskMarissa , Disease , Chem-trails , Morgellons , Medical Cult , Lyme Disease , Coronavirus , 5g , Huawei , Wuhan , Radiation , Symptoms , Italy , China , Pangolins

  3. Zinc: Have you ever looked at OTC cold and flu alleviators and seen the packaging bragging that now it has more Zinc than ever before? Well, there’s a reason for that! While Zinc won’t just magically alleviate or shorten your Cold or Flu when you’ve already been infected and are at war with it, despite the false hopes the dirty advertisers give you, Zinc will increase your immune resistance to any Cold or Flu virus you happen to come in contact with…if taken regularly! Zinc also has other benefits that are often overlooked, such as for Men’s Sexual Health and Hair Health! I would opt for 25mg per day for most of the year, and up to 50mg per day during Cold and Flu season. Make sure that you take it with food, as it can cause an empty stomach to feel irritated!

    Health , Holistic , Fitness , Nutrition , Well-being , Men's Health , Women's Health , Vasectomy , Circumcision , Genital Mutilation , Cancer , Natural , Treatment , Help , Green , Brain , Sex , Sexual , Tonsils , Sperm , Exercise , Rheumatoid , Arthritis , God , Tree , Genetic , DNA , Microchimerism , Fat loss , Food , Organic , Weights , Exercise , AskMarissa , Disease , Chem-trails , Morgellons , Medical Cult , Lyme Disease , Coronavirus , 5g , Huawei , Wuhan , Radiation , Symptoms , Italy , China , Pangolins

  4. Magnesium: OK. Here is the Mineral that almost all of us are lacking. Magnesium used to be found in abundant amounts in our soil, which in turn wound up in the food we grew. Now, though…things are a little bit different. Times have changed and we all have to deal with the adverse effects of soil mineral depletion from the agri-chemical industry and from fields that are never rotated. But the blame is on US. You and I—the Consumers. We have the choice to grow our own food in our own backyards, or to at least find somewhere to do so (i.e. Community Plot of some sorts), but we don’t. It’s too time-consuming and frustrating to deal with such a thing when we are handing off most of our hours towards earning a paycheck. Until the system finally falls, many of you will be working long hours outside of your home and then being too tired to use what precious little leisure time you have left to maintain a garden or plot. But until that system falls—do yourself a favor and make sure you get all the Magnesium you need for the proper functioning of your heart, bones, teeth, and ESPECIALLY YOUR BRAIN (as Magnesium is responsible for regulating mood and memory function) by choosing a diet rich in dark leafy greens (such as Kale and Chard), black beans, almonds, cashews, peanut butter, whole grains, and a little bit of dark chocolate. Combine that with a supplement of 320mg to 420mg per day and you should be good to go!

While taking these nutritional pre-cautions may not 100% protect you from getting sick, they certainly will at least lessen the impact as well as the duration of any illness…not just a Coronavirus. They might try to infect your mind with these scare tactics of this supposedly new Coronavirus…and it is mostly with the evil intention of distracting you from whatever it is they don’t want you to be aware of (such as covert installations of 5G during the ubiquitous “quarantine” shut-down). While it is extremely important to protect yourself from all diseases, remember that these diseases stem from WITHIN. You have 380 TRILLION inherent viruses within you right now, which serve a very important purpose. Viruses are the “clean-up” crew for when your life gets a little messy, for whatever reason. Sleep deprivation, poor diet, lack of exercise, Vitamin D3/Sunshine deficiency, various Vitamin/Mineral deficiencies, vaccines, EMF/RF Radiation (e.g. 5G mmWaves, microwaves, SmartMeters, FitBits/SmartWatches, excessive device usage), poor air quality, drugs (including prescribed), excessive alcohol, excessive smoking, promiscuity, negative attitudes and thoughts, grief, depression, and guilt are among the top instigators of allowing our resident viruses to have a clean-up party inside us that gets a little wild–and brings us down with a sickness. Whether it’s acute, chronic, or deadly depends on how quickly you respond to your body’s way of telling you through “contracting” a dis-ease that, “HEY–hold up. Slow down, buddy. Let’s get some good sleep and change our ways…otherwise we’re both goners. OK?”

But I’m going to make an attempt to put things into an alternative perspective, just in case you are losing control of your thoughts, spiraling into fearfulness, and becoming unnecessarily stressed out about this “pandemic” … or as we like to call it, “plandemic.” Are you ready for the Truth? Are you ready to stop listening to the media and the fake health experts about how you should give up your human rights over a common cold? Are you ready to hear what the REAL epidemic is? Here’s the undeniable Truth:

Approximately 10 million humans died from Cancer in 2019, 1.8 million of them in the United States of America alone.

That doesn’t even include the tens of millions more who are diagnosed or living with Cancer RIGHT NOW. How many have been supposedly been infected with Coronavirus…and have already recovered within the past 3 weeks? Compare that statistic to how many people were diagnosed with Cancer in the past 3 weeks…and how many of those people will recover. Does that help to mitigate the panic of the Coronavirus by reminding everybody what the REAL pandemic is right now? While a Coronavirus is quite possibly the worst Cold you can come down with, and 10%-20% of all the Colds you’ve had in your life have been the result of a Coronavirus that was trying to tell you to slow down when you were “Go-Go-GO” for weeks at a time (most likely during the hectic winter Holidays), the Coronavirus is JUST THAT…exactly what I just wrote…


Unfortunately, it’s a A REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BAD COLD.

But still… there’s no need to panic.

…Unless you live in close proximity to a 5G antenna (that sends out mmWaves in the range of 1-60gigaHertz). In this case, you might want to start thinking about relocating. Like, NOW.

But an actual Coronavirus does seem to favor the 75+ age group in terms of deadliness. However, even if you are in that age group that makes up for 99% of the “casualties,” I wouldn’t worry about it too much– especially if you are taking all the necessary measures to live an active, positive life with healthful food options! I hope this puts the fear-mongering of the media back into check for you!

Please, always take care of yourself in every way, not just Physically. Our Health is a Trinity, and any neglect of either Body, Mind, or Spirit has the potential to result in dis-ease if not corrected as quickly as possible. Remember—YOU are the most important person in your Life!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. J

    COVID19 is a novel virus, this is only the beginning and there is much more to learn about this virus, rash conclusion should be avoided at this point.

    1. Marissa

      Thank you for your comment. And you’re right!–we should all listen to what “they” tell us and we should certainly not do anything rash like start supermarket fights over toilet paper and bleach. Just wondering–do you personally know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who actually it?

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