You are currently viewing FACT: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “DETOX” — Your Wallet And Your Liver Need You To Read This!

FACT: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A “DETOX” — Your Wallet And Your Liver Need You To Read This!


PSA  ::: The idea of “Detox” is one of the biggest hoaxes / snake oil $chemes of the 20th-21st century. There is NO SUCH THING AS “DETOX.” Your body has its own detox system already built in; they’re called the kidneys and the liver. Not only are you causing an even bigger burden by adding extra substances into the body (such as unregulated drop-shipped herbal “supplements” and other substances) that the Liver now has to filter and get rid of, and which can slow down phase 2 of the liver’s detox load thus leaking these supplements into the bloodstream where they DO NOT belong and could wind up in the brain thereby severely damaging the nervous system (think this new fad of taking excessive, prolonged daily doses of herbs and supplements which should both carry warnings about liver and whole-body damage since they are indiscriminate once in the body, the same way cigarettes now must carry warnings about lung damage or alcohol about fetal deformities), but you are just fattening the wallets of these Naturopathic doctors or self- proclaimed health gurus on YouTube / Telegram / Facebook, etc. who get paid for promoting and selling said supplements.

Alternative medicine is 0% different than so-called “Western” medicine, in the sense that a.) both are based on fear-based strategies and prey on that audience, and b.) they are sponsored by Pharmakeia aka Black Magic that dupes us all into thinking there is inherently something abnormal or mal-functioning within us that requires their services / products to be fixed, even if we don’t show any symptoms (think Covid -or- the opposition’s baseless, stress-inducing paranoia about how everyone is infested with parasites (despite never having been to a 3rd-world shit-hole, or tropical area, or having eaten undercooked food or imbibed contaminated water) and everyone has blood just teeming with nanobots (despite never having had an intravenous injection these past 4 years), etc., etc., etc.

You do NOT have to detox from spike proteins.
You do NOT have to detox from parasites.
You do NOT have to detox from nanobots.
You do NOT have to detox from nanodust.
You do NOT have to detox from everything and anything invisible under the Sun!

I am NOT in any way saying that these aforementioned items don’t exist. No, if that’s the lie you think I’m trying to spread, then you have misunderstand my premise here. What I am trying to tell you is that GOD GAVE YOU A BODY THAT ALREADY GETS RID OF THIS SHIT! This is what the KIDNEYS and LIVER are. Stop clogging up and/or slowing down their work with your bullshit concoctions and “natural” protocols, and let them do their work. Living a happy life, eating plenty of hydrating fresh fruits and vegetables with healthy sugars and fiber, and exercising daily is ENOUGH

Your body knows what it’s doing, and you’re only stressing it out worse, and inhibiting the Liver’s built-in detoxification phases. Yes, that’s right– you came straight from the factory with a state-of-the-art, triple-phase, detoxification system. You are not speeding it up or cleaning it up by adding ANY extra herbs or substances to the body; if anything, you’re making it worse…WAY worse. You’re giving your Liver a really, really, REALLY, ridiculously bad time… 

This alternative propaganda filled with misleading disinformation from random bloggers/vloggers who don’t even know basic Human Biology or Anatomy & Physiology or Genetics, much less have any clinical experience or published studies, is no different than the obnoxious bombardment of biased commercials and ads from the major prescription pill manufacturers propagating deceitful images of how blissful and problem-free their patients/clients are while taking their drug. Point being– everyone seriously needs to squeegee their minds from the all-too-common belief that “natural = safe / good.” 


The herbal market is the mother of the mainstream pharmaceutical companies. Well over 50% of “Western”/Allopathic pharmaceuticals are derived from compounds that were first identified in herbs. Hence, the need for employing discretion and common sense about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you put into your body, because ALL MEDICINE IS PHARMAKEIA! Alternative/Natural Medicine and Conventional / “Western” Medicine are two cheeks of the same money-hungry, Black Magic, medical cult ass. 

Here are the only steps you can take to prevent any further harm to yourself, and to live a healthier life:

1.) For the love of God, Stop ingesting unregulated poisons (“natural” supplements/herbs/oils that could literally have been cultivated in a sewer in Beijing and spliced / cut with Arsenic or worse, and you would NEVER know it for years– even if it says “packed in U.S.A.”  ).

Furthermore, not everything here on Earth is from God; may I remind you that Satan owns this Realm, and he is the current god of “this age.” Scripture makes it clear that the demons and their false god Satan is currently in charge of Earth. Even Jesus Christ Himself, shortly before His arrest and crucifixion, acknowledged Satan’s authority: “I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me (John 14:30).”

2.) Stay calm (as stress is the #1 killer in the World), don’t buy into fear.

3.) If you TRULY want to detox, just leave your liver and kidneys tf alone! Your detox system is dependent entirely on two things, and two things only: your Genetics (methylation, etc.) and how clean you keep your liver/kidneys– that is to say, by choosing *real* food that complement your individual body’s vitamin needs and not eating too much Protein (which is harsh on the kidneys). 

4.) Fast periodically (give your digestive system a vacation from work). But, the caveat is that you cannot properly fast without Prayer. Fasting is not a diet fad. Using it as such is very ignorant. The reason being is that here on Earth, there is no body without the Soul. And the Soul does not cease to exist simply because you do not believe it, or if you do not believe anything about religion or spirituality. Doing some sort of self-reflection at the least is absolutely imperative if you are fasting. Also, the health benefits of fasting and the theory of autophagy peak ~48hours, so there really is no need to deprive yourself of physical nourishment for any more than 24-48 hours. 

5.) Drink plenty of water (but not too much water, as it can overwork the kidneys by causing you to piss like a race horse and of course destabilizing the body’s sensitive electrolytes, which is also what happens with these herbs used for internal flushes / purges– they are just glorified laxatives that make you shit yourself silly and lose your precious microbiome and electrolytes). 

6.) Exercise 30 minutes minimum per day…and never, ever … NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER… neglect the importance of stretching every Muscle you can thoroughly before and after you Exercise! I don’t care what the work-out for the day is — even if it’s just a walky-walk with your Doggo, or if it’s just kicking a ball around with your kids — ALWAYS STRETCH. It helps prevent/manage injuries and it alleviates any lactic acid build-up.

7.) Choose healthy, wholesome food options, but also don’t deprive yourself of the joy of eating your favorite foods. You can still eat fun food, and there are plenty of cooking options to make greasy ethnic foods friendlier to your health, such as replacing cooking oils with a shallow pool of salted water for or vegetable stock for sautéing or frying.    

8.) Get enough Sunlight / “Vitamin” D3 (in quotations because it’s actually a hormone).

9.) Speaking of hormones keep yours in check and level by minimizing Animal consumption (all of whom are teeming with cortisol and adrenaline, and are also injected with MASSIVE amounts of hormones for maximum production– yes, even the Amish… they might be some of the worst culprits in letting us “English” / non-Amish continue to believe that their products are “natural” or organic or non-GMO… and are some of the worst offenders of satanic Animal abuse and other acts of Animal cruelty I’ve EVER witnessed while living amongst them).

 10.) Do NOT be afraid or talked out of going to an actual M.D. or integrative doctor or surgeon with top-notch *ACADEMIC* and *CLINICAL* credentials if you are in a Health emergency! Please!– use common sense and listen to your Body if you are experiencing acute or chronic pain. Do NOT seek the advice of some pedo in his windowless basement apartment or some self-proclaimed “Healer” chick in Australia or Arizona or wherever spitting out their copy/pasted alternative medical information on Reddit or Quora or Telegram or Facebook or 4Chan or YouTube (must I name them all…). I mean, you could be risking your life by blindly following someone else who blindly follows and never even tried what they’re telling you on anybody, not even themselves. They literally just “read it” somewhere. Do not allow the dark corners of the Internet to program you to think an herb or a certain diet fad or putting coffee up your asshole is going to magically cure you and that every “Western” doctor is out to kill you. 

11.) Stop letting your phone and the frequencies / algorithms of the Internet control you and steal your short time here on Earth when you could actually be participating in HEALTHY, REAL LIFE ACTIVITIES.

12.) Don’t fall into a shit mindset: stay positive and have Faith in your body’s God-given ability to do its marvelous job! 

Don’t let any amount of fear coerce you into putting ANYthing into your body– no injections, no pills, no weird concoctions… NADA (especially if you’re not exhibiting any verifiable problems to begin with). Just enjoy your Life and Appreciate everything and everyone you have every single day. 

If you woke up tomorrow and were only left with what you whole-Heartedly thanked God for the night before, how much would you wake up to? 

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