It’s kind of sad that we have to write about the topic of Circumcision. But, if you are reading this…and you are a woman…chances are that you do not know the incredible pleasure that comes with having an uncircumcised partner. You may often find yourself taking a long time, if at all, to “get into” sex each time with your circumcised partner…or you might just find yourself screaming in your head to your circumcised partner, “PLEASE! JUST FINISH ALREADY!!!” You might subsequently find yourself unsatisfied, feeling empty, feeling unattended to, and left to your own devices (pun intended) as far as gratifying and relieving yourself sometimes later and having to hide it from your partner.
If this sounds like you, you may be one of the 86%-93% of women who have never had the intense vaginal orgasm (let alone multiple orgasms) which result from sex with a man who is genitally intact, meaning that he has not had his foreskin amputated from circumcision (a.k.a. Male Genital Mutilation).

Women are wrongly programmed to believe that a circumcised penis is “nicer looking,” or “more hygienic,” or even “normal,” and that uncircumcised penises are “gross,” and “dirty,” and “ugly.” By falling for this absurd notion that mutilating a boy’s penis makes it more attractive and cleaner, and therefore ruling out natural men in favor of circumcised men, women are not only destroying the image of men and his wholeness, but they are also seriously sabotaging their own sexual health.
The vagina is amazing—it is self-lubricating, its level of elasticity and strength counfounds scientists, and when stimulated properly, it gives pleasure that takes us out of the confines of space and time. Sadly, many women do not get to experience this phenomenon, not just every time they have sex…but sometimes NEVER in their lives.
Too many women experience vaginal dryness, discomfort, and dissatisfaction during and after intercourse. Although women are duped into believing that they are the problem…that if the WOMAN can’t stay wet then there is something wrong with HER; that if the women feels pain or discomfort, then there is something wrong with HER; that if the woman isn’t climaxing from sex, then there is something wrong with HER—this is a complete MYTH. With the exception of a few conditions, mostly psychological issues (e.g. “frigidity”), it is never the woman’s fault if she has dryness, pain, and can’t seem to climax from sex.
Many of the problems a women has in menopause with vaginal dryness and pain are actually problems that are just coincidental with the amount of years her vagina dealt with being the sole provider of lubrication during sexual intercourse, since the self-lubricating mechanisms her partner’s glans mucosa was completely removed, leaving her vagina overworked, unsatisfied, and eventually raw. The problem lies in the fact that her partner is circumcised. Let me be clear that it is not her partner’s fault, but rather the blame falls on the fact that the part of his penis that was naturally designed for pleasuring a vagina was mutilated, cut off, and taken from him: he was circumcised.
The foreskin, which is amputated during a circumcision, is a vital component towards how much pleasure a man receives and gives during sex. The foreskin is a movable, double-layered sleeve. During intercourse, it glides up and down the penile shaft, reducing friction and retaining vaginal secretions for the woman’s own pleasure, as well as providing extra lubrication on its own for double pleasure. When the foreskin is removed during circumcision, the skin on the penile shaft just
and it rubs,
and it rubs…
…against the vaginal wall. It’s the same as using friction on a stick to make fire, but instead of a stick and a stick, it’s a penis…and the delicate mucosal tissue of your precious vagina.

To complicate matters, the circumcised man has far less sensitivity on the exposed, keratinized head of his penis which necessitates deeper and harder thrusting to try to compensate, further increasing the friction…and it takes him much, much longer to reach ejaculation, if at all.
With circumcised partners, surveyed women were more likely to feel unappreciated, distanced, disinterested, frustrated, and discontented. When their partners were uncircumcised, women were more likely to feel intimate with their partners, relaxed, warmth, mutual satisfaction, and “complete as a woman,” and the greater sexual satisfaction benefited the relationship. To be clear, this does not mean that women cannot have a satisfying emotional and sexual relationship with a circumcised man. Other things being equal, it means that such a relationship most likely will be even more satisfying if the man were uncircumcised…and well into the silver years.

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The Cringeworthy “I want my son’s penis to look like mine”: https://askmarissa.com/i-want-my-sons-penis-to-look-like-mine